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Vladimir A Gavrichkov

Vladimir A Gavrichkov

Federal Research Center KSC, Russia

Title: Microscopic background in metal-insulator criterion for doped Mott-Hubbard materials


Biography: Vladimir A Gavrichkov


Statement of the Problem: The purpose of this study is to construct a metal–insulator criterion based on Wilson's ideas concerning a system of itinerant electrons in the analytical form for the doped Mott–Hubbard materials and also to associate a microscopic background of criterion with real properties of these materials.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: For our purposes, it is convenient to start with Lehmann's representation for the Green's function of the intra-cell Hamiltonian with respect to the family of single-particle operators and their matrix elements in the basis of eigenstates of  (S and M are the spin and spin projection of the many-electron cell eigenstate), where index i runs over ,and states in the different sectors of configuration space in  Figure from the work.

Findings: By following this approach, one obtains a simple metal– insulator criterion, which is characterized by the condition: the number of first removal electron (frs) states (-insulator) or (-metal) irrespective of the doped hole concentration x.

Conclusion & Significance: We suggest a non-adiabatic origin of the forbidden frs states and Ham’s effect for their matrix elements as the probable reasons for insulator state of the doped materials with translational symmetry.

Recent Publications:

1. Gavrichkov V A (2015) A simple metal-insulator criterion for the doped Mott-Hubbard materials. Sol. St. Comm. 208: 11-14.

2. Ovchinnikov S G, Gavrichkov V A, Korshunov M M, Shneyder E I (2012) LDA+GTB method for band structure calculations in the strongly correlated materials. Solid-State Sciences 171: 143-171.

3.Gavrichkov V A, Korshunov M M, Ovchinnikov S G, Shneyder E I, Orlov Yu S, Nekrasov I A, Pchelkina Z V (2012) Сuprates, manganites and cobaltites: multielectron approach to the band structure. Modern Physics Letters B26: 1230016.

4.Gavrichkov V A, Ovchinnikov S G, Pchelkina Z V, Nekrasov I (2010) Quasiparticles in CMR oxides in para- and ferromagnetic phases. Journal of Physics 200: 012046(1-4).