Gaspare Varvaro
ISM-CNR, Italy
Gaspare Varvaro has done his PhD in Material Science 2007, University “La Sapienza” of Roma, Italy. He works as a CNR Researcher since 2010. He is a member of the Nanostructured Magnetic Material Lab (ISM – CNR) and Head of the Thin Film Deposition Lab since 2015. His interests span from the fabrication to the characterization of magnetic and magneto-transport properties and their correlation with morpho-structural properties of nanostructured magnetic materials including single-phase, magnetic composites and hybrid/multifunctional systems (thin films, multilayers, nanoparticles and nano-patterned systems) for fundamental studies and applications (information storage, energy, sensors and biomedicine). His research activity is witnessed by more than 40 papers on ISI journals and conference proceedings and 2 book chapters. He is co-editor of a book titled “Ultra-High-Density Magnetic Recording: Storage Materials and Media Designs”.
Abstract : L10-FePt based systems for ultra high-density magnetic recording