Marzia Quaglio
Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
Marzia Quaglio is a Researcher at the Center for Space Human Robotics of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). She graduated in Materials Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino and received her PhD in Electronic Devices from the Politecnico di Torino. Her research activity started with a main focus on MEMS/NEMS processing for the fabrication of life-science devices. She collaborated with Professor Cerrina at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for her research work. In 2009, she joined IIT contributing in the start-up of the Center for Space Human Robotics. She is currently involved in the Reactors and Processes division, with interest in the development of new electrode materials and catalysts for (bio)-electrochemical systems for CO2 conversion.
Abstract : N-doped carbon-based nanofibers as oxygen reduction reaction catalysts