Simone Borri
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, Italy
Simone Borri has completed his PhD in 2007 from University of Firenze, Italy. He is researcher at CNR-National Institute of Optics since 2010. He worked as researcher for LENS, the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy, and IFN, the italian Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies. His main expertise is development of coherent sources and techniques for high-sensitivity and high-resolution molecular spectroscopy in the mid infrared. During his scientific activity he developed mid-IR and THz sources based on nonlinear frequency generation, and worked on trace-gas sensors based on cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy, photoacoustic sensing, Doppler-free spectroscopy, high-precision spectroscopy on molecular beams. He studied the noise properties of quantum cascade lasers, and developed locking techniques for linewidth narrowing, using also novel optical devices like crystalline whispering gallery mode resonators.