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Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

S.Joseph Antony

Associate Professor Institute of Particle Science and Engineering School of Chemical and Process Engineering United Kingdom USA

Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

Cavus Falamaki

Associate Professor Amirkabir University of Technology Iran Iran

Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

Hui-Ming Cheng

Director of Advanced Carbon Research Division, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences China China

Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

Mau Chien DANG

Director of LNT Vietnam National University Vietnam Vietnam

Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

Pu Chen

Research Chair & Professor University of Waterloo Canada Canada

Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

Ismael Diez Perez

Professor University of Barcelona Spain Spain

Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

Dongfang Yang

Senior Research Officer Senior Research Officer Canada Canada

Materials Conference 2017, Materials Conference in Asia, Materials Science conferences in Dubai, Materials Conference, Materials Science meetings, Materials Science events, Materials Science conventions, Materials Science expos, Materials workshops, Nanot

Kung-Hwa Wei

Distinguished Professor National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu Taiwan Taiwan

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Nanomaterials Congress 2017

About Conference

Conference Series launches its Materials Science conference in Middle East region. With the overwhelming joy; we invite you to the 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Nanotechnology in Dubai, UAE during September 25-26, 2017.

Theme of the conference, The Scientific Visualization of Materials & Nanotechnology is designed in such a way to uncover the basic principles that lead to the drastic emergence and technologies in the field of MaterialsScience and Nanotechnology. We hope Materials Science and Nanotechnology 2017 is the best platform to discuss the basic principles involved in the development of Materials Science and Nanotechnology. As this conference deals with the basics concepts, students, delegates, academicians and business people can attend the conference to root up the knowledge and excel in this field.

ConferenceSeries Ltd organizes a conference series of 3000+ Global Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+ Workshops in USA, Europe, Middle East & Asia pacific with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Target Audience: 

  • Materials Science Engineers
  • Nanotechnology Engineers
  • Researchers from Mining and Metallurgy field
  • Scientists and students from Tissue Science engineering and Biomaterials
  • Delegates from Material Science and Nanotechnology Associations
  • Professors, Students, Researchers and Technical Staff from Materials Science and Nanotechnology Department
  • Delegates from Materials Science, nanotechnology, Green technology, Atomic structure, Polymer, Fuel Cell, Biomaterials, Mining & Metallurgy, Nano Energy related.

2017 Highlights:

  • 200+ Participation (70% Industry: 30% Academia)
  • 5+ Keynote Speakers
  • 50+ Plenary Speakers
  • 20+ Exhibitors
  • 14 Innovative Scientific Sessions
  • 5+ Workshops
  • B2B Meetings


Track 1: Materials Science & Engineering

 Materials are probably more deep-seated in our culture than most of us realize. The development of many technologies that make our existence so comfortable has been intimately associated with the accessibility of suitable materials. Advancement in the understanding of a material type is often the forerunner to the stepwise progression of a technology. Structure is at this point a nebulous term that deserves some explanation. In brief the structure of a material usually relates to the arrangement of its internal components. The next larger structural realm, which contains large groups of atoms that are normally agglomerated together, is termed microscopic, meaning that which is subject to direct observation using some type of microscope. The four components of the materials science and engineering are interrelationship.

 Processing → Structure → Properties → Performance

Relevant Conferences:

Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 10th Emerging Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, July 27-29, 2017 Vancouver, Canada; 3rd Expo on Ceramics Conference and Composite Materials Conference, June 26-27, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; 9th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering conference, June 12-14, 2017 Rome, Italy; 2nd Biomaterials Conference, March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 3rd Nanomaterial’s: Fundamentals and Applications Conference (NFA 2017), 09 - 11 October 2017, Strbske  Pleso; 2nd Materials Science Conference and Nanotechnology Conference (ICMSNT 2017), 19-22 April 2017, Auckland; 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers Conference, and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07 July 2017, Tbilisi (GE); Additive Manufacturing Conference and Functional Polymeric Materials Conference, 23-26 June 2017, Albufeira (PT); American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM);  Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research SocietyFederation of Materials SocietiesUS - Minerals, Metals & Materials SocietyAmerican Society US - MineralsMetals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 2: Nanotechnology and Nano Science

Nano science is the science of objects with typical sizes of 1-100 nm. If matter is divided into such small objects the mechanical, electric, optical, and magnetic properties can change. Nano science and Nanotechnology are inter-disciplinary, crossing boundaries between physics, chemistry, chemical, electric and mechanical engineering. Nano science, that is the science of objects with typical sizes of 1-100 nm, is one of the most important developments in the last decades. Miniaturization of electronic devices to sizes of the elementary units below 1μm has revolutionized our daily live. New technologies were required to enter the Nano scale because many of the traditional techniques do not work at the Nano scale. The relation between Nano science and technology is like a symbiosis.

Relevant Conferences:

10th Advanced Materials Conference, August 16-17 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; 2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain; 14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain; 1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia;  Nano biotechnology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Regulations of Nanotechnology Conference, July 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Nanotechnology Conference,   August 7-8, 2017 Beijing, China; 3rd Nano materials: Fundamentals and Applications Conference, (NFA 2017); 09 - 11 October 2017 Strbske Pleso (SK); 7thZeolites- Materials with Engineered Properties Conference, 03-07, July 2017 Sofia (BG); 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07, July 2017 Tbilisi (GE); 8th Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, (AMN8),12-16, February 2017 Queenstown (NZ); Nanotechnology Industries Association Announces New Director General; Cluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe; ECHA Board of Appeal Annuls Requests for 'Nano-structured' Substance Information; International Union of Materials Research Society; UK- Institute of Materials;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council;  Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM);  Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 3: Atomic Structure & Interatomic Bonding

  • Materials → Molecules → Atoms
  • Atoms = protons (p) + neutrons (n) + electrons (e)
  • Protons and neutrons are made of quarks

The bonding mechanisms between atoms are closely related to the structure of the atoms themselves. An atom is made up of still smaller particles. These sub atomic particles are called the fundamental particles. Although the number of subatomic particles now known is very large, the three most important among them are proton, neutron and electron.

Relevant Conferences:

Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 10th Emerging Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, July 27-29, 2017 Vancouver, Canada; 3rd Expo on Ceramics Conference and Composite Materials Conference, June 26-27, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA;  10th Advanced Materials Conference, August 16-17 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; 2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain;  14thNano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain;  1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia; Nano biotechnology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Regulations of Nanotechnology Conference,  July 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; ECHA Board of Appeal Annuls Requests for 'Nano-structured' Substance Information; International Union of Materials Research Society; UK- Institute of Materials; Federation of Materials Societies;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM);  Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research SocietyUS - Minerals, Metals & Materials SocietyCluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe

Track 4: Materials for Green Technology

The field of "green technology" encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products.  The present expectation is that this field will bring innovation and changes in daily life of similar magnitude to the "information technology" explosion over the last two decades. In these early stages, it is impossible to predict what "green technology" may eventually encompass. ‘’Green Nanotechnology’’ involves the manipulation of materials at the scale of the nanometre, one billionth of a meter. Some scientists believe that mastery of this subject is forthcoming that will transform the way that everything in the world is manufactured. "Green nanotechnology" is the application of green chemistry and green engineering principles to this field.  Green nanotechnology refers to the use of nanotechnology to enhance the Environmental- sustainability of processes currently producing negative effects Green nanotechnology refers to the use of nanotechnology to enhance the Environmental-Sustainability of processes currently producing negative effects.

Relevant Conferences:

13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA;  10th Advanced Materials Conference, August 16-17 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland;  7th Zeolites- Materials with Engineered Properties Conference, 03-07, July 2017 Sofia (BG);  5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07, July 2017 Tbilisi (GE); 3rd Nano materials: Fundamentals and Applications Conference,  (NFA 2017); 09 - 11 October 2017 Strbske Pleso (SK);  2nd Expo on Biomaterials Conference, March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain;  National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL); Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (UC Berkeley); Project on Emerging NanotechnologiesNanotechnology Industries Association Announces New Director General; Cluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM);  Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 5: Materials science Properties

Many material properties can be determined from the results of a tensile test once the graph of force against displacement has been converted with equations 1.2 and 1.3 into one of stress versus strain. The science of elasticity seeks to understand the mechanical behaviour of structures when they are loaded. It aims to predict just how much they should deflect under given loads and exactly when they should break. This will depend upon two things. The properties of the material are clearly important-a rod made of rubber will stretch much more easily than one made of steel. However, geometry will also affect the behaviour as long, thin length of rubber will stretch much more easily than a short fat one. To understand the behaviour of materials, therefore, we need to be able separate the effects of geometry from those of the material properties.

Relevant Conferences:

10th Advanced Materials Conference, August 16-17 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; 2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain;  14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain;  1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia;  Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 10th Emerging Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, July 27-29, 2017 Vancouver, Canada; 3rd Expo on Ceramics Conference and Composite Materials Conference, June 26-27, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; 9th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering conference, June 12-14, 2017 Rome, Italy; 2nd Expo on Biomaterials Conference, March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain; UK - Joint Equipment and Materials Initiative JEMI; International Union of Materials Research SocietyInternational Disk Drive Equipment and Materials AssociationCluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe; International Union of Materials Research Society; UK- Institute of Materials; Federation of Materials Societies;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society;  US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

Track 6: Polymer Technology

There are a large number of polymeric materials that have been used as implants or part of implant systems. The polymeric systems include acrylics, polyamides, polyesters, polyethylene, polyurethane, and a number of reprocessed biological materials. Polymers that are capable of high extension under ambient conditions find important applications as elastomers. In addition to natural rubber, there are several important synthetic elastomers including nitrile and butyl rubber. Other polymers may have characteristics that enable their fabrication into long fibres suitable for textile applications. The synthetic fibres, principally nylon and polyester, are good substitutes for naturally occurring fibres such as cotton, wool, and silk. . A typical commercial plastic resin may contain two or more polymers in addition to various additives and fillers. These are added to improve a particular property such as process ability, thermal or environmental stability, or mechanical properties.

Relevant Conferences:

2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain; Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 10th Emerging Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, July 27-29, 2017 Vancouver, Canada; 3rd Expo on Ceramics Conference and Composite Materials Conference, June 26-27, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA;  14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain;  1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia;  Nano biotechnology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Regulations of Nanotechnology Conference,  July 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; ECHA Board of Appeal Annuls Requests for 'Nano-structured' Substance Information; International Union of Materials Research Society; UK- Institute of Materials; Federation of Materials SocietiesUS - Minerals, Metals & Materials SocietyCluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe

Track 7: Biomaterials                                                                                                      

A synthetic material used to make devices to replace part of a living system or to function in intimate contact with living tissue. Biomaterials are used to make devices to replace a part or a function of the body in safe, reliably economically, and physiologically acceptable manner. A variety of devices and materials are used in the treatment of disease or injury. Commonplace examples include suture needles, plates, teeth fillings, etc.

Relevant Conferences:

 2nd Biomaterials Conference, March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain; 14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain; 1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia;  Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 10th Emerging Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, July 27-29, 2017 Vancouver, Canada; 3rd Expo on Ceramics Conference and Composite Materials Conference, June 26-27, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; 9th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering conference, June 12-14, 2017 Rome, Italy; 2nd Expo on Biomaterials Conference, March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain; UK - Joint Equipment and Materials Initiative JEMI; International Union of Materials Research SocietyInternational Disk Drive Equipment and Materials AssociationCluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe; International Union of Materials Research Society; UK- Institute of MaterialsFederation of Materials Societies;  US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM);  Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 7: Mining & Metallurgy

Metallurgical Engineering involves the study, innovation, design, implementation, and improvement of processes that transform mineral resources and metals into useful products that improve the quality of our lives. Metals provide the foundation for our modern way of life.  We need metals to generate electricity to drive our electronic age society as well as for vehicles, buildings, machines, and home appliances.  Metals come from minerals that must be physically separated and chemically processed in order to transform them into the important products we use every day.  Metallurgical engineers work to meet the mineral and metal product needs of our modern civilization in an environmentally responsible way by designing processes and products that minimize waste, maximize energy efficiency, increase performance, and facilitate recycling Advancement. Mining is discipline that involves the practice, the theory, the science, the technology, and application of extracting and processing minerals from a naturally occurring environment. Mining engineering also includes processing minerals for additional value.

Relevant Conferences:

Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; 10th Emerging Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, July 27-29, 2017 Vancouver, Canada; 3rd Expo on Ceramics Conference and Composite Materials Conference, June 26-27, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; 9th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering conference, June 12-14, 2017 Rome, Italy; 2nd Biomaterials Conference, March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 3rd Nanomaterial’s: Fundamentals and Applications Conference (NFA 2017), 09 - 11 October 2017, Strbske  Pleso; 2nd Materials Science Conference and Nanotechnology Conference (ICMSNT 2017), 19-22 April 2017, Auckland; 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers Conference, and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07 July 2017, Tbilisi (GE); Additive Manufacturing Conference and Functional Polymeric Materials Conference, 23-26 June 2017, Albufeira (PT); Federation of Materials SocietiesUS - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society;  American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 8: Materials for Energy, Environmental Applications

Materials play a crucial role in this Technology– Economy– Environment scheme. A material that is used in some end product and then discarded passes through several  Stages or phases, which are sometimes termed the total materials cycle or just materials cycle and represents the “cradle-to-grave” life circuit of a material. Beginnings on raw materials are extracted from their natural earthly habitats by mining, drilling, harvesting, and so on. These raw materials are then purified, refined, and converted into bulk forms such as metals, cements, petroleum, rubber, and fibres. Energy and sustainability are keywords driving current science and technology. Concerns about the environment and the supply of fossil fuel have driven researchers to explore technological solutions seeking alternative means of energy supply and storage. New materials and material structures are at the very core of this research endeavour. The search for cleaner, cheaper, smaller and more efficient energy technologies is intimately connected to the discovery and the development of new materials.

Relevant Conferences:

3rd Expo on Ceramics Conference and Composite Materials Conference, June 26-27, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 13th Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering Conference,  November 13-15, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; 9th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering conference, June 12-14, 2017 Rome, Italy; 2nd Biomaterials Conference, March 27-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain; 3rd Nanomaterial’s: Fundamentals and Applications Conference (NFA 2017), 09 - 11 October 2017, Strbske Pleso; 2nd Materials Science Conference and Nanotechnology Conference (ICMSNT 2017), 19-22 April 2017, Auckland; 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers Conference, and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07 July 2017, Tbilisi (GE); Additive Manufacturing Conference and Functional Polymeric Materials Conference, 23-26 June 2017, Albufeira (PT); Federation of Materials SocietiesUS - Minerals, Metals & Materials SocietyAmerican Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; 2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain;  14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain;  1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia;  Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference October 26-28, 2017 Osaka, Japan; Federation of Materials SocietiesUS - Minerals, Metals & Materials SocietyAmerican Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society; American Society US - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society of Testing and Materials; International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 9: Nanotechnology in communications & Information Technology

Information and communication technology is an important and rapidly growing industrial sector with a high rate of innovation. Enormous progress has been made by making a transition from traditional to nanotechnology electronics. Nanotechnology has created a tremendous change in information and communication technology. Nanotechnology is the next industrial revolution and the telecommunications industry will be radically transformed by it in the future. Nanotechnology has revolutionized the telecommunications, computing, and networking industries.

Relevant Conferences:

10th Advanced Materials Conference, August 16-17 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; 2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain; 14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain; 1st Nano Science Conference and Nano Technology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia; Nano biotechnology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 CHICAGO,USA; Regulations of Nanotechnology Conference,  July 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Nanotechnology Conference,  August 7-8, 2017 Beijing, China; 3rd Nano materials: Fundamentals and Applications Conference,  (NFA 2017); 09 - 11 October 2017 Strbske Pleso (SK); 7thZeolites- Materials with Engineered Properties Conference, 03-07, July 2017 Sofia (BG); 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07, July 2017 Tbilisi (GE); 8th Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, (AMN8),12-16, February 2017 Queenstown (NZ); Nanotechnology Industries Association Announces New Director General; Cluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe; ECHA Board of Appeal Annuls Requests for 'Nano-structured' Substance Information; International Union of Materials Research Society;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society;  UK- Institute of Materials

Track 10:  Nanotechnology in Healthcare

Nano medicine is the application of nanotechnology to human healthcare, offers numerous potential pathways to improving medical diagnosis and therapy and even to regenerate tissues and organs. It can provide personalised yet more affordable healthcare while at the same time offering an improved quality of life for everyone. One of the biggest technological forces behind our rapidly changing world is our ability to manipulate objects on a smaller and smaller scale. The science that’s driving such progress is called nanotechnology. And just as breakthroughs in chemistry revolutionized the 20th century, nanotechnology is doing the same in the 21st century. With nanotechnology we’re taking progress to the next level. We can now manipulate objects (and build them) at the molecular, and even atomic, levels. It’s life-changing work.

Relevant Conferences:

14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain; 1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia;  Nano biotechnology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Regulations of Nanotechnology Conference,  July 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Nanotechnology Conference, August 7-8, 2017 Beijing, China; 3rd Nano materials: Fundamentals and Applications Conference,  (NFA 2017); 09 - 11 October 2017 Strbske Pleso (SK); 7th  Zeolites- Materials with Engineered Properties Conference, 03-07, July 2017 Sofia (BG); 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07, July 2017 Tbilisi (GE); 8th Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, (AMN8),12-16, February 2017 Queenstown (NZ); Nanotechnology Industries Association Announces New Director General; Cluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe; ECHA Board of Appeal Annuls Requests for 'Nano-structured' Substance Information; International Union of Materials Research Society; UK- Institute of Materials; American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM);  Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 11:  Making of Nano Materials

Nano materials are cornerstones of Nano science and nanotechnology. Nanostructure science and technology is a broad and interdisciplinary area of research and development activity that has been growing explosively worldwide in the past few years. It has the potential for revolutionizing the ways in which materials and products are created and the range and nature of functionalities that can be accessed. It is already having a significant commercial impact, which will assuredly increase in the future. Nano materials occur naturally, but of particular interest are engineered nanomaterial (EN), which are designed for, and already being used in many commercial products and processes. They can be found in such things as sunscreens, cosmetics, sporting goods, stain-resistant clothing, tires, electronics, as well as many other everyday items, and are used in medicine for purposes of diagnosis, imaging and drug delivery.

Relevant Conferences:

1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia;  Nano biotechnology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Regulations of Nanotechnology Conference,  July 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Nanotechnology  Conference, August 7-8, 2017 Beijing, China; 3rd Nano materials: Fundamentals and Applications Conference,  (NFA 2017) ; 09 - 11 October 2017 Strbske Pleso (SK); 7thZeolites- Materials with Engineered Properties Conference, 03-07, July 2017 Sofia (BG); 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07, July 2017 Tbilisi (GE); 10th Advanced Materials Conference, August 16-17 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland; 2nd Polymer Science Conference, May 8-9, 2017 Barcelona, Spain; 14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM);  Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society; Nanotechnology Industries Association Announces New Director General; Cluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe; ECHA Board of Appeal Annuls Requests for 'Nano-structured' Substance Information; International Union of Materials Research Society

Track 12: Nanotechnology in Energy

Nanotechnologies provide the potential to enhance energy efficiency across all branches of industry and to economically leverage renewable energy production through new technological solutions and optimized production technologies. Nanotechnology innovations could impact each part of the value-added chain in the energy sector.  Nanotechnologies provide essential improvement potentials for the development of both conventional energy sources (fossil and nuclear fuels) and renewable energy sources like geothermal energy, sun, wind, water, tides or biomass. Nano-coated, wear resistant drill probes, for example, allow the optimization of lifespan and efficiency of systems for the development of oil and natural gas deposits or geothermal energy and thus the saving of costs. Further examples are high-duty Nano materials for lighter and more rugged rotor blades of wind and tide power plants as well as wear and corrosion protection layers for mechanically stressed components (bearings, gear boxes, etc.). Nanotechnologies will play a decisive role in particular in the intensified use of solar energy through photovoltaic systems. In case of conventional crystalline silicon solar cells, for instance, increases in efficiency are achievable by antireflection layers for higher light yield.

Relevant Conferences:

14th Nano materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, March 30- 31, 2017, Madrid, Spain; 1st Nano Science Conference  and Nano Technology Conference,  July 10-11, 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia; Nano biotechnology Conference, July 10-11, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Regulations of Nanotechnology Conference, July 11-12, 2017 CHICAGO, USA; Nanotechnology Conference, August 7-8, 2017 Beijing, China; 3rdNano materials: Fundamentals and Applications Conference,  (NFA 2017); 09 - 11 October 2017 Strbske Pleso (SK); 7th  Zeolites- Materials with Engineered Properties Conference, 03-07, July 2017 Sofia (BG); 5th Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials Conference, 02-07, July 2017 Tbilisi (GE); 8th Advanced Materials Conference and Nanotechnology Conference, (AMN8),12-16, February 2017 Queenstown (NZ); Nanotechnology Industries Association Announces New Director General; Cluster Nano Road Project surveys Nanotechnology Industries on Smart Specialisation Strategies, NMBP/KET uptake and Clusters in Europe; ECHA Board of Appeal Annuls Requests for 'Nano-structured' Substance Information; International Union of Materials Research Society; UK- Institute of Materials;  American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers SocietyAdhesive and Sealant Council; Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM); Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT); South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI); International Union of Materials Research Society

Market Analysis

Title: 12th Annual Congress on “Materials Science and Nanotechnology”

Date & Venue: on September 25-26, 2017 at Dubai, UAE.

Theme:  “The Scientific Visualization of Materials & Nanotechnology”

Summary of Materials Science and Nanotechnology 2017:-

Materials Science and Nanotechnology 2017 is the platform to gain or share the knowledge in the new technological developments in the field of Materials Science and Nanotechnology. This conference brings together professors, researchers, scientists, students in all the areas and provides an international forum for the spreading of approved research. We are honoured to invite you all to attend and register for the “12th Annual Congress on “Materials Science and Nanotechnology” (Materials Conference 2017)” which is scheduled for September 25-26, 2017 at Dubai, UAE.

The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program this year also which includes plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Materials Conference 2017, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the Materials Science and Nanotechnology committee look forward to meeting you in Dubai, UAE.

Materials Conference 2017 Is the best platform to discuss the basic principles involved in the development of Materials Science and Nanotechnology? As this conference deals with the basics concepts, students, delegates, academicians and business people can attend the conference to root up the knowledge and excel in this field. It encompasses the spectrum of materials types and how to use them in manufacturing. Materials span the range: metals, ceramics, polymers (plastics), semiconductors, and combinations of materials called composites. We live in a world that is both dependent upon and limited by materials. The future will bring ever-increasing challenges and opportunities for new materials and better processing. Materials are evolving faster today than at any time in history.

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Scope and Importance:-

Materials Science and Nanotechnology is a broad, diverse and multidisciplinary field. It is continuous interaction with basic disciplines and is also contributing to meet all Grand Societal Challenges. This contribution is such that numerous reports have been produced in recent years in Asia and world - wide, with the aim of drawing a comprehensive picture and proposing coordinated actions towards the establishment of coherent strategies in the field. The present report subscribes to this perspective, with a particular goal which is to contribute to the establishment of a comprehensive view of the role in efficient development of key enabling technologies.

Branches of Materials Science and Nanotechnology Includes:

  • Thermodynamics of materials
  • Fundamentals of Materials Science
  • Polymer Science and Engineering
  • Amorphous Materials
  • Materials in Human Experience
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Magnetic Materials
  • Molecular Principles of Biomaterials
  • Composite Materials
  • Optical Materials and Plasmonics
  • Nanotechnology in communications & Information Technology
  • Nanotechnology in Healthcare
  • Green technology
  • Nanotechnology in Energy

About Venue:

​Dubai is located on the Eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, in the south west corner of the Arabian Gulf. It is extremely well known for its warm hospitality and rich cultural heritage, and the Emirati people are welcoming and generous in their approach to visitors. With year-round sunshine, intriguing deserts, beautiful beaches, luxurious hotels and shopping malls, fascinating heritage attractions and a thriving business community, Dubai receives millions of leisure and business visitors each year from around the world.

The local currency is the dirham, which is pegged at AED 3.67 to 1 US dollar. Dubai is tolerant and cosmopolitan and all visitors are welcome. However, Islam is a way of life in the city, and therefore tourists should adopt a certain level of cultural and religious sensitivity for the duration of their stay.

Since 1833 the reigning Al Maktoum family have ruled Dubai. Under their wise and progressive leadership Dubai has prospered and it is now the business and tourism hub for a region.

Dubai Economy: The past few decades have witnessed incredible growth throughout all sectors of the Dubai economy. The emirate’s government is constantly working to improve its commercial transparency and introduce dynamic regulations that aid the formation of small and medium enterprises. Dubai’s economy is no longer reliant on oil, but is more diversified, relying heavily on trade, services and finance sectors. With its central geographic location between Asian and European markets, Dubai has worked hard to establish itself as an integral part of the global trade mechanism. Its central location has also allowed Dubai to become a popular and accessible tourist destination.

Culture & Heritage: Courtesy and hospitality are among the most highly prized of virtues in the Arab world, and visitors will be charmed by the warmth and friendliness of the people. Dubai’s culture is rooted in Islam, providing a strength and inspiration that touches all aspects of everyday life. Virtually every neighbourhood has its own mosque, where the faithful congregate for prayer five times every day. One of the largest and most beautiful mosques is Jumeirah Mosque- a spectacular example of modern Islamic architecture.

Dubai City: Dubai is now a city that boasts unmatchable hotels, remarkable architecture and world-class entertainment and sporting events. The beautiful Burj Al Arab hotel presiding over the coastline of Jumeirah beach is the world's only hotel which offers seven star services. The Emirates Towers are one of the many structures that remind us of the commercial confidence in a city that expands at a remarkable rate.

Dubai also hosts major international sporting events. The Dubai Desert Classic is a major stop on the Professional Golf Association tour. The Dubai Open, an ATP tennis tournament, and the Dubai World Cup, the world's richest horse race, draw thousands every year.

Dubai Attractions: From the timeless tranquillity of the desert to the lively bustle of the souk, Dubai offers a kaleidoscope of attractions for visitors.

The emirate embraces a wide variety of scenery in a very small area. In a single day, the tourist can experience everything from rugged mountains and awe-inspiring sand dunes to sandy beaches and lush green parks, from dusty villages to luxurious residential districts and from ancient houses with wind towers to ultra-modern shopping malls.

The emirate is both a dynamic international business centre and a laid-back tourist escape; a city where the sophistication of the 21st century walks hand in hand with the simplicity of a bygone era. But these contrasts give Dubai its unique flavour and personality; a cosmopolitan society with an international lifestyle.


Why to attend???

International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology -2017 which is going to be the biggest conference dedicated to Materials Science and Nanotechnology professionals providing a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest new generation technologies developed during the course of time along with discussing  their applications. Events include hot topics presentations from all over the world and professional networking with industries, leading working groups and panels.

Meet Your Objective Business sector With individuals from and around the globe concentrated on finding out about Polymer science and Engineering, this is the best chance to achieve the biggest collection of members from  everywhere throughout the World. Conduct shows, disperse data, meet with current, make a sprinkle with another product offering, and get name acknowledgment at this occasion. Widely acclaimed speakers, the latest methods, strategies, and the most up to date overhauls in Polymer science and Engineering are signs of this meeting.

Societies Associated with Materials Science and Nanotechnology:-

  • Society of Materials Science
  • Federation of Materials Societies
  • International union of Crystallography
  • International Organisation of Materials
  • Metals and Minerals Societies
  • Japan Society for Composite Materials
  • Materials Research Society
  • Society for Biomaterials
  • Society for Advancement of Material and process Engineering
  • Society for materials Science
  • American Ceramic Society
  • American Composites Manufacturers Association
  • Australasian Ceramic Society
  • Australasian Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
  • Brazilian Composites Materials Association
  • Canadian Biomaterials Society
  • Federation of European Materials Societies
  • International Organization of Materials
  • International Union of Crystallography
  • International Organization of Materials
  • Metals and Minerals Societies
  • Society of  Nanotechnology

Market Value on Materials Science and Nanotechnology Research:-

Rise in demand from the end user industries drives the composites market. Improved properties such as high fatigue life, high strength and modulus, reduced weight, acoustic insulation, and corrosion resistance have led to an increase in the demand. Volatility in the raw material prices and non-recyclable nature of composites pose a great threat in the growth of the market.

The report segments the composites market on the basis of fibre type, resin type, manufacturing process, and application. On the basis of fibre, the market is divided into carbon fibre composites, glass fibre composites, and others. Based on the resin type, market is classified into thermosetting composites and thermoplastic composites. On the basis of type of manufacturing process, the market is categorized into layup, filament, injection moulding, pultrusion, compression moulding, RTM, and others. On the basis of application, the market is divided into transportation, aerospace & defence, electrical & electronics, construction, wind energy, pipes and tanks, marines, and others. Geographic breakdown and deep analysis of each of the aforesaid segments is included for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Growth of the electricals & electronics, construction & infrastructure, and improved transportation facilities has led Asia-Pacific to be the largest market of composites.

Comprehensive competitive analysis and profiles of major market players such as Hexcel Corporation, Huntsman Corporation, Toray Industries, Teijin Limited, and Owens Corning are also provided in this report. The target end users for these companies can be categorized as automotive, aerospace, construction, and wind energy related companies such as BMW, Ford, Bell Helicopter, Boeing, Mercedes-Benz, and Vestas.

Benefits for stake holders on Materials and Nanotechnology:-

This report entails the detailed quantitative analysis of the current market and estimations through 2014-2022, which assists to identify the prevailing opportunities.

Exhaustive analysis of the global composites market by type helps understand the types of composites that are currently being used along with the variants that would gain prominence in the future.

An in-depth analysis of the current research and clinical developments within the composites market is provided with key dynamic factors that predict the behaviour of the market.

Extensive analysis is conducted by following key product positioning and monitoring the top competitors within the market framework.

Key market players within the composites market are profiled in this report and their strategies are analysed thoroughly, which interprets the competitive outlook of the global composites market. This report provides an extensive analysis of the current and emerging trends and dynamics in the global composites market. In-depth analysis has been done in this report by constructing market estimations for the key market segments between 2014 and 2022.

Market Growth of Materials Science and Nano technology Research in the last and upcoming ten years:

The global material market was valued at $149 million in 2015, and is expected to reach $1,387 million by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 39.7% during the forecast period. Material mediums are defined as macroscopic composites possessing a man-made, three-dimensional, periodic cellular architecture designed to produce an optimized combination, not available in nature, of two or more responses to a specific excitation. They show exceptional physical properties such as negative permeability and permittivity. The significance of materials is that they allow engineers to manipulate wave propagation by arranging the unit cells in different ways. For example, though copper is a good conductor and appears bronze in colour, a materials designed out of copper can be engineered to be an insulator and reflect yellow. Major factors that drive the market growth are capital investment from public and private sources and highly skilled researchers for product commercialization. In addition, the unique engineered properties of material mediums are not found in nature, making them inherently valuable. However, inefficient research despite huge investment is expected to restrain the market growth.


Funds allotted to Materials Science and Nanotechnology:-

MSE faculty are leading numerous research projects, which are supported by an average of $4-5 million annually.

A significant portion of this funding comes from federal grants: U.S. Department of Defence and all branches of the military, U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and Centre for Disease Control & Prevention. Another part comes from State or private foundations.

Finally, industry (from small start-up companies to large international corporations) provides much of the remainder funding, which provide both for graduate research assistantships and support for undergraduates conducting research on a project.

Business Operations Jobs:-

  • Product Manager
  • Strategy Director
  • Business Development Manager
  • Business Operation Analyst

Apart from the industrial personnel where most of the research work is done, other research communities include:-

  • Academicians include Student community.
  • Researchers include Post docs, Research Associates.
  • Scientists include Professors, Associate professors, and Assistant professor.
  • Industries include Presidents, CEO’s, and R&D Managers.

  Major Advanced Material’s science Associations around the Globe

  • The Materials Information Society (ASM International)
  • Microscopy Society of America (MSA)
  • The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
  • Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society
  • International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
  • Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association (Czech Republic)
  • International Association of Materials Science(IAAM)
  • British Society for Nanomedicine (UK)
  • American Bar Association Section Nanotechnology Project (USA)
  • Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences (Austria)
  • Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC) (India)
  • Nanotechnologies for Tomorrow's Society (NanoSoc) (Belgium)

Major Materials science and Nanotechnology Associations in Asia Pacific

·         Asia Nano Forum (ANF)

·         Asia Nano Forum (ANF)

·         Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum (APNF)

·         Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association

·         Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology (CoEN)

·         Center for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology

·         Global Nanotechnology Network

·         International Association of Nanotechnology (IANANO)

·         ICPC Nanonet

·         Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC)

·         National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC)

·         Nanoforum

·         Nanomission


Academia 50%

Industry    40%

Others      10%


Target Audience:

  • Scientists.
  • Professors.
  • Research Scholars and students
  • Nanotechnology Companies
  • Nanotechnology Associations
  • Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineers
  • Materials Scientists/Research Professors
  • Physicists/Chemists
  • Junior/Senior research fellows of Materials Science/ Nanotechnology/ Polymer Science/
  • Biotechnology
  • Materials Science Students
  • Directors of chemical companies
  • Materials Engineers
  • Members of different Materials science associations.
  • Polymer companies.


 Figure 1: Target Audience

Top Universities in Dubai:

  • Masdar Institute of Science and Technology University of Tokyo.
  • University of Dubai.
  • Emirates Aviation University.
  • Heriot-Watt University Dubai.
  • American University in Dubai.
  • University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD).
  • Khalifa University.


 Figure 2: Statistical Analysis of Universities

Glance at Market of Materials Science:

The global market is projected to reach $6,000 million by 2020 and register a CAGR of 10.2% between 2015 and 2020 in terms of value. The growth in market is estimated to be driven by the increasing demand for aero gel materials from oil & gas and construction applications. The North American region remains the largest market, followed by Asia-Pacific. . The Europe market is estimated to be growth at a steady rate due to economic recovery in the region along with the increasing concern for the building insulation and energy savings.  The structural core material market in aerospace interior is estimated to grow from USD 142.2 Million in 2016 to USD 220.2 Million by 2021, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.13% between 2016 and 2021. The base year considered for the study is 2015 and the market size is projected between 2016 and 2021. Increase in the demand for Boeing 787 and Airbus 350 is expected to significantly drive the structural core material market in aerospace interiors.  The market size of high-temperature composite materials is projected to reach USD 5.01 Billion by 2021, at a CAGR of 8.41% during the forecast period. The introduction of safety norms in public transport as well as increasing demand for lightweight and high-performance composite materials in the aerospace & defense, transportation, and energy & power applications are key factors responsible for the growth of the high-temperature composite materials market.  Global Metallurgy market will develop at a modest 5.4% CAGR from 2014 to 2020. This will result in an increase in the market’s valuation from US$6 bn in 2013 to US$8.7 ban by 2020.  The global market for powder metallurgy parts and powder shipments was 4.3 billion pounds (valued at $20.7 billion) in 2011 and grew to nearly 4.5 billion pounds ($20.5 billion) in 2012. This market is expected to reach 5.4 billion pounds (a value of nearly $26.5 billion) by 2018


Although much of nanotechnology's potential still remains un-utilized, investment in the field is booming. The U.S. government distributed more than a billion dollars to nanotechnology research in 2005 to find new developments in nanotechnology. China, Japan and the European Union have spent similar amounts. The hopes are the same on all fronts: to push oneself off a surface on a growing global market that the National Science Foundation estimates will be worth a trillion dollars. The global market for activated carbon totalled $1.9 billion, in 2013, driven primarily by Asia-Pacific and North American region for applications in water treatment and air purification.

Figure 3: Growth forecast for nanotechnology


Materials Industry:

The global market for carbon fibre reached $1.8 billion in 2014, and further the market is expected to grow at a five-year CAGR (2015 to 2020) of 11.4%, to reach $3.5 billion in 2020. Carbon fibre reinforced plastic market reached $17.3 billion in 2014, and further the market is expected to grow at a five-year CAGR (2015 to 2020) of 12.3%, to reach $34.2 billion in 2020. The competition in the global carbon fibre and carbon fibre reinforced plastic market is intense within a few large players, such as Toray Toho, Mitsubishi, Hexcel, Formosa, SGL carbon, Cytec, Akas, Hyosung, Subic etc.


Figure 4: Growth forecast of materials


Materials Chemistry:

Today, many materials chemists are synthesizing functional device materials, and the discipline is often seen as directed towards producing materials with function—electrical, optical, or magnetic. Material chemistry is involved in the designing and processing of materials. Global market for catalysts is expected to reach $28.5 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR (2015 to 2020) of over 3%. Asia-Pacific is having the largest market for catalysts accounting for more than 35% share.

Figure 5: Growth forecast of material chemistry


Past Conference Report

Materials Science 2016

Another Materials Science Conference has been successfully completed - The 6th edition – and we must say Thanks to the attendees, Hilton Atlanta Airport Staff, and the Organizing Committee, Ad-Sponsors & Media partners and everyone else that helped to make this 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering with the theme: to explore the implications of Materials Science and Engineering a successful conference.

To Attendees,
We hope that you obtained the kind of advance technical information in the arena of Materials Science and Nanotechnology that you were seeking, and that your role in the field has been enhanced via your participation. We hope that you were able to take part in all the sessions and take advantage of the tremendous advancements in Materials Science and Engineering that scientists are working with.

If you have any feedback for us for future consideration or enhancements of this Conference, please provide your feedback to Conference Manager, Jessica Williams at

The meeting covered various sessions, in which the discussions included the scientific tracks:

  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Nanotechnology in Materials Science
  • Energy Materials
  • Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Science
  • Surface Science and Engineering
  • Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
  • Materials Chemistry and Physics
  • Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Emerging Areas of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
  • Computational Materials Science
  • Polymer Technology
  • Materials Engineer Training and Career

The Keynote presentations were given by:

  • Carlo Montemagno | University of Alberta | Canada
  • Rajendra Singh | Clemson University | USA
  • Zofia Niemczura | Arcelormittal Global R&D | USA
  • Masaru Matsuo | Dalian University of Technology | China
  • Ramesh K Agarwal | Washington University in St. Louis | USA
  • Masahiro Goto | National Institute for Materials Science| Japan
  • Pavle V Radovanovic | University of Waterloo | Canada
  • Ho-Kei Chan | Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen | China

The Best Poster awards for this year:

  • Amith Bhalla | University of the Witwatersrand | South Africa
  • Venkatesha B M | University of Mmysore  | India
  • Srivas M C | B.M.S.College of Engineering | India

Past Reports  Gallery  


Thanks to all of our Organizing Committee members, honourable guests, wonderful speakers, conference attendees and Media partners.

Nanotek-2015 Conference was the best!

5th International Conference on Nanotek and Expo hosted by the Conference Series was held during November 16-18th2015 at Hilton San Antonio Airport HotelSan AntonioUSA with the theme “Accelerating Research and Pioneering Expansion in Nanotechnology". Active participation was received from the scientists, engineers, researchers, students and leaders from the fields of Nanotechnology and Material Science, who made this event successful.

The meeting was carried out through various sessions, in which the discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

  • Nanomaterials
  • Nanostructures
  • Nanomedicine
  • Nanodevices and Nanosensors
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Nanoparticles
  • Applications of Nanotechnology

The conference was initiated with a series of lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The list included:

  • Ashok Vaseashta, Convergence International Clean Water Institute, USA
  • Hari Shanker Sharma, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Carlo Montemagno, Alberta Ingenuity Lab, Canada
  • Gerd Kaupp, University of Oldenburg, Germany
  • Yutaka Ohno, Nagoya University, Japan

Conference Series offers its heartfelt appreciation to all the speakers who have attended and obliged to the Organizing Committee Members, adepts of field, various outside experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating the discussion forums. Conference Series also took privilege to felicitate the Organizing Committee Members who supported this event.

Past Reports  Gallery  

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 17-18, 2018

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Past Conference Report

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