Edgar Escultura
GVP College of Engineering
Edgar Escultura completed PhD, University of Wisconsin, 1970; academic career interrupted 16 years plus 11 years to return with the solution of the gravitational n-body problem (Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications (NA; TMA) 38(8), 1997); published over 60 papers in reputable journals including counterexample to Fermat’s last theorem (Nonlinear Studies, 5(2), 1998), proof of Goldbach’s conjecture (Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computation (NPSC), 17(2009)), grand unified theory (GUT) (NA:TMA, 69(3), 2008)), constructivist new real number system (NPSC, 17(2009)), 1998)), mathematics of GUT (NA:TMA, 71(2009)), qualitative model of atom (Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11(2009)); an editor, Science Domain International.
Research Interest