Abd. Rashid bin Mohd Yusoff
Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Abd. Rashid bin Mohd Yusoff received his BA in Physics with Education from Universiti Putra Malaysia, his MSc. in Applied Physics from Universiti Malaya, and his PhD in Physics from Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil. After graduation in 2011, he joined the faculty in the Department of Information Display at the Kyung Hee University as a post-doctoral fellow studying organic photovoltaic (OPV), organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), and quantum-dots light emitting diodes (QLEDs). In 2012, he was promoted as a Research Professor at Kyung Hee University and continues working on OPV and OLEDs as well as QLEDs. In 2012, he became the group leader responsible for the development of high efficiency OPV joint program between South Korea and Japan. In early 2015, he was selected as a Guest Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, where he works closely with Professor Md. Khaja Nazeeruddin on perovskite solar cells. He has published more than 60 articles in these fields and being invited to various seminars and conferences. He also contributed 4 book chapters and edited 2 books on graphene under Wiley-VCH Verlag; i) Graphene-based Energy Devices and ii) Graphene Optoelectronic: Synthesis, Characterizations, Properties, and Applications. In addition, we is also one of the technical organizing committees for the 3rd Conference on New Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (NACMP 2016, February 28-March 1), Beijing, China. Furthermore, he was also an Editor-in-Chief of Theme Collection in Nanoscale (Graphene-based Energy Devices) (Royal Society of Chemistry). His research interests include electronic properties of organic semiconductor thin films, charge transport properties, device physics, organic and inorganic-based light emitting devices, organic photovoltaic and organic transistors.