Antoine Barnabe
CIRIMAT – Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France
A. Barnabé is a professor at the CIRIMAT laboratory (Mixed Oxide Valency research group), Paul Sabatier University, France. He received his PhD degree in chemistry of materials from University de Caen-Basse Normandie (France) in 1999. He held a post-doctoral position in Northwestern University, Evanston (USA), in 2000. His current research interests are mainly focused in functional metal oxide powders, ceramics and thin films prepared by PVD technique. He first worked on TEM characterization of giant magnetoresistance manganites then moves to complex oxides with new optoelectronic properties. For the last decade, he has developed transparent conductive oxides (n- and p-type) and gas-sensing layers for the CO2 detection sputtered oxide thin films. He’s in charge on the SEM/TEM/EPMA/SIMS characterization center R. CASTAING in Toulouse. To date, all these works have led to 63 publications, 2 patents, and more than 80 communications (hindex = 22, sum of the times cited > 1400).